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NVDA Alpha 35286 finally adds leading silence detection and removal logic. The changelog says:
"The silence at the beginning of speech will now be trimmed when using OneCore voices, SAPI5 voices, and some third-party voice add-ons to improve their responsiveness."
Though not mentioned in the changelog, it also affects eSpeak NG.
NVDA 2025.1 is shaping up to be a huge release.

GitHubImprove the responsiveness of voices by trimming the leading silence · Issue #17614 · nvaccess/nvdaАвтор: gexgd0419
Zvonimir Stanecic

@amir @NVAccess but... espeak NG has problems with consonants and this feature, the consonants affected are p and s. Only espeak has the problem with it, along with newfon

@asael @NVAccess Honestly - and I'm really picky, I can't grasp the problems. For me they are pronounced as before - maybe a tad less emphasized, but totally understandable.

@amir @NVAccess I also hear it less emphasized, but that's because our ears are young.

@amir @NVAccess btw, do you notice problems with cutted off beeps?

@asael @NVAccess Hmm. Yes, I just noticed it. Beeps are cut at the beginning. But it doesn't happen all beeps, and not in all contexts.

@amir @NVAccess Update! the leading silence fix was landed in the form of pull request and it works!