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Русскоязычный сервер социальной сети Mastodon. Зона общения, свободная от рекламы и шпионажа, теперь и на русском языке.


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Who Let The Dogs Out 🐾

RedEye is an open-source visual analytic tool supporting Red & Blue Team operations

This tool developed by CISA and DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to assist Red Teams with visualizing and reporting command and control activities. It allows an operator to assess and display complex data, evaluate mitigation strategies, and enable effective decision making in response to a Red Team assessment. The tool parses logs, such as those from Cobalt Strike, and presents the data in an easily digestible format. The users can then tag and add comments to activities displayed within the tool. The operators can use the RedEye’s presentation mode to present findings and workflow to stakeholders.