— это один из многих независимых серверов Mastodon, которые вы можете использовать для участия в сети Fediverse.
Русскоязычный сервер социальной сети Mastodon. Зона общения, свободная от рекламы и шпионажа, теперь и на русском языке.


Статистика сервера:

активные пользователи

Dr. Quadragon ❌

A corporation will do an ostensibly good thing only if it helps it extract more value from you.

A government will regulate corporations only if it helps further its power over you.

It's by necessity we rely on either depending on the situation. Neither of them deserve trust however. Corporations and governments are NOT your friends and they won't hesitate to team up against YOU if it helps their common bottomline. Which is less for you and more for them.