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Go fishing.

For real. Take some time to focus on something new and “pointless”. Soak in some gorgeous views and learn about your local waterways. Reconnect with the land around you.

Life’s easier with a clearer head.

Although I agree with the rest of the comment, I would suggest a less brutal activity, such as a hiking or bird watching.

These also require less equipment.

Catch and release fishing is fine for the fish. If you gut hook them and they won’t survive, well, you eat that one, but it’s also easier to avoid that if you know what sort of fish you’re looking for and change your hook/lure accordingly.

I don’t really get how hurting an animal and then NOT eating it, just for fun, is better than killing for food

Well you don’t want to eat every fish you catch, that’s not good for the fish population. You want to ensure you’re only taking fish that have had a chance to spawn, determined by size.

The point is that torturing animals is something that we probably shouldn’t recommend.

It is yanking a water animal by their mouth into an environment they cannot breathe. And if memory serves, fish have a lot of nerves in their mouths so that hurts a LOT, and even released ones have a reduced survival rate.

That “fun and wholesome” activity causes a lot of pain and stress to the victims, so it’s kinder to recommend something less cruel. Like birdwatching and photography.

Y’all, I’m very very vegetarian, but knocking this dude for recommending fishing is silly. “Fishing or another outside activity that seems relaxing to you” is implicit. People have different morals regarding animals and consumption. I get where you’re coming from, but “birdwatching is also a great activity!” is a better and more positive response imo.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tamal3 is right.

Fucking hell, people, go touch some grass, go meet real human beings. Not everybody adheres to the moral code you construct in your head, and that is FINE!!

08 нояб. 2024 г., 02:03·Публичный