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Русскоязычный сервер социальной сети Mastodon. Зона общения, свободная от рекламы и шпионажа, теперь и на русском языке.


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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@comfy There's a certain art to using sarcasm and other forms of irony on the Internet.

Irony only works if everybody is in on the joke. Even the butt of the joke, unless it is your explicit intention to offend them. Otherwise, it's just being an insufferable asshole. Because you end up just confusing and/or offending random people. No bueno.

My recipie: read the room. If you're unsure your irony will be recognized, don't use it. Just fucking don't.

13 нояб. 2024 г., 01:32·Публичный