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@monsieuricon if we talk about Cyrillic, yes. Ї can definitely be called unique.

But honestly I don't see much difference between Cyrillic "Ї" and Latin "Ï". Same goes with other letters like "о" and "o", "а" and "a" and so on.

I understand that there should be something important because we have even have different Unicode characters for them. But despite that almost anybody will see the difference between those symbols.
Lyyn ☮️

@yura @monsieuricon I saw instances of it in a different language in Serbia. It's called Rusyn language

en.wikipedia.orgRusyn language - Wikipedia
31 янв. 2025 г., 21:32·Тихий публичный·Moshidon

@yura @monsieuricon I guess sometimes it is considered a dialect of Ukranian