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Xin chao and Dumelang! That's how you say Hello in Vietnamese and Setswana. RHVoice Text-to-Speech engine for Android was updated today, adding two new languages: Vietnamese 🇻🇳 and Setswana 🇧🇼. Take a look at our list of languages with available TTS engines on Android #Android #TTS

Accessible Android · List of languages with available TTS engines on Android - Accessible AndroidIn this article, we listed the languages with available text to speech engines on Android.

@accessibleandroid Hi to all! One of the RHVoice language developers here. Soon the croatian language will be published, to

@asael Kudos to all the RHVoice developers! We can hardly wait for the Croatian language to be added.

Zvonimir Stanecic

@accessibleandroid I also joined the group. If somebody will ever have a problem with RHVoice or wants to collaborate on a new english voice, i am here to help!